Numeriblog Hors-sujet Numericoach is developing internationally !

Numericoach is developing internationally !

Gsuite expert ? We are looking for you ! Numericoach is a network of independent Gsuite experts spread across France. We assist companies that have chosen to replace their office suite (Lotus Notes, Microsoft, Open Office […]

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Rédigé par Thierry Vanoffe - il y a 4 ans et modifié le 27/07/2023 à 15:52

Numericoach is developing internationally !

Gsuite expert ? We are looking for you !

Numericoach is a network of independent Gsuite experts spread across France. 
We assist companies that have chosen to replace their office suite (Lotus Notes, Microsoft, Open Office …) and their servers by Google services (Gmail, Calendar, Drive, …). 
By learning these new tools, employees and managers become more efficient and can develop new ways to communicate. To this end, we offer face-to-face training as well as virtual classes.

To respond to the growing demand, we are looking to expand our network in order to offer our international clients the possibility to have access to local trainers.

If you are a Gsuite expert, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you!

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Thierry Vanoffe

Thierry VANOFFE, consultant, formateur, coach Google Workspace CEO de Numericoach, leader de la formation Google Workspace en France. Passionné par Google, ce blog me permet de partager cette passion et distiller tutos, trucs, astuces, guides sur les outils Google. N'hésitez pas à me solliciter pour vos projets de formation.

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